Lux in Tenebris (2017)
Genre: spiritual urban social drama. Growing up on the streets of 1990s Cleveland, two sisters face harsh realities of life. Through highly unconventional cinematic style, "Lux in Tenebris" explores people's quests to illuminate their lives, despite an ongoing wave of hate, hypocrisy, abuse, and violence in contemporary America. Starring: Eric Roberts, Alex Russo, Hakeem Sharif, Jenna Kramer, Joe Billups, Hannah Gourdine, Courtney McLaughlin, and Peach Martine.
Directed by B. R. Tatalovic.
Internet Movie Database: visit IMDb
Distribution Platform: buy or rent
Dying 2 Meet U (2012)
Genre: horror/comedy. Sick wealthy parents come up with the idea of producing a fake reality dating show so their son can pick his wife. By using satirical cinematic approach, "Dying 2 Meet U" targets highly popular reality shows and people's obsession with mainstream television. Starring: Rick Montgomery Jr.
Genre: horror/comedy. Sick wealthy parents come up with the idea of producing a fake reality dating show so their son can pick his wife. By using satirical cinematic approach, "Dying 2 Meet U" targets highly popular reality shows and people's obsession with mainstream television. Starring: Rick Montgomery Jr.
Directed by B. R. Tatalovic
WINNER - Best Ohio Cinematography at 2013 Indie Gathering International Film Festival;
OFFICIAL SELECTION of 2013 Scare-A-Con Film Festival;
OFFICIAL SELECTION of 2013 Scare-A-Con Film Festival;
Distributed worldwide via Vimeo-on-Demand: buy or rent